Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Post Production Grief - Why it Happens and How You Can Avoid It

Your booklet manuscript is finished and you've proofread it several times. It looks and reads great, so you're ready for production, right? Wrong! What you need now is a pair of fresh eyes to look over your work. Why? Because you're too close to it to see it objectively.
When you have someone else read your manuscript you gain a new perspective of your work. It's a chance to see what your readers might think if you produced and published your manuscript just the way it is. This gives you the opportunity to correct errors and tighten your text before it goes public. You'll be amazed at the errors someone else will find in the manuscript you thought was perfect and ready to print!
You'll probably want to have more than one person look over your text, including a professional editor if your grammar and punctuation skills are a little rusty or need a little help. The old saying "Two heads are better than one" is certainly true. But, when it comes to your manuscript, having a few people read it over will save you alot of post production grief. There's nothing worse than having your freshly printed booklets arrive only to find that there are several errors you missed or that the text just doesn't look appealing. Your booklet is an extension of you as an author and business person, and it must appear professional.
Even after much scrutiny, you'll often find an error or two in most published works. One or two can be easily forgiven by your market if your content is top notch. Editors are human and humans do sometimes make mistakes. But, a manuscript that is published with many errors will hurt your career as a booklet author and publisher. It tells your audience that you really don't care what you put into the marketplace. It tells them you just slapped something together to make money. Having your manuscript read and corrected by someone other than yourself will ensure this doesn't happen to you.

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