Saturday, May 17, 2008

How to Bring Your Page Rank Down

First of all, some people give importance to PageRank and others don't. You do not need to worry about your PageRank much, however it is an indication of how many backlinks your website has, how good it is optimized.

When search engine software called spiders visit your website, they follow each of your site links, as long as the links have not the nofollow tag, or other signals for search engines to ignore certain links. Like robots files or instructions to spiders in the meta tags.

Now PageRank is given to your homepage and each of your website pages. The PageRank comes from those websites that link to you. So when someone links to your website it is like they are giving you some of their PageRank. The higher their PageRank number the more PageRank they give you.

That means the more websites linking to you the higher your PageRank will be.
So it's important not to link to other peoples sites if you don't have to. You will give them some of your website PageRank when you do so. So avoid linking to other websites from your own, or put the nofollow tags on these types of links. That way spiders ignore these links completely.

When you do link exchanges you give some PageRank but also receive from your link partner. It is important to check they still keep linking to your site because if not you give them PageRank and they give you none. If you have many link partners that do not link back to you, in the end the result will be bad. You will probably not only loose some PageRank but for sure rankings.

To fix the problem, you either contact those webmasters that removed your link, see why they did so and try to make them link back to you again. If they do not remove their links from your website.

In a certain way, the more links you have the higher your PageRank will be. Now your own website pages pass PageRank to each other. So if you link to your homepage from your blog you are giving some of your blog PageRank to your homepage.

The solution is to make sure the most important webpages of your site get the most PageRank. Make sure they are not passing PageRank to other pages they do not really require. It is better that your homepage gets the most PageRank rather then your privacy policy webpage.

So make sure you put the nofollow tags properly on your site, so certain webpages do not receive too many PageRank, while the important pages receive the most PageRank and do not loose a lot. A webpage looses PageRank when it links to another page within the same site or links to another site completely.

Your PageRank improves more if you get one way links. These are links you get when you submit your articles, submit your site to directories, get links from forums, blogs, and other places where you do not link back. So unlike link exchanges these websites give you PageRank and you give none.

Those are the sites that help you increase your PageRank really fast. But they are also the toughest sites to get links from, because it is easier to make a link exchange since there are millions of sites doing link exchanges. Article directories are limited in amount and even other methods of getting one way links.

So make sure you treat your PageRank well, so your most important pages get the most PageRank. That all helps your rankings improve.
Page rank of any website holds great deal of significance if you want your website to rank on page 1 of Google. Google Page Rank, Yahoo Page Rank and Msn Page Rank exact parameters are unkown and are safely guarded by the companies. However, the tips and tricks to increase your page rank or the things to avoid which I discussed above will help you to increase your page rank.

Friday, May 16, 2008

SEO Tip of the Day: Use Web Directories

Back Links are one of the most important parts of successfully running a search engine optimization campaign. As a matter of fact, having well-placed links will do a lot to help to push your website to the top of the search engine result pages for the keywords of your choice. Although there are many different ways for you to acquire these links, there are some ways which are almost automated in nature. By taking advantage of every aspect of your link building campaign, you can not only get your website listed in the search engines quickly, you can also be benefited by the incoming links for a long time to come.

One of the easiest forms of linking that exists is that which is found in directory submissions. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of directories for you to choose from on the Internet where you can post a link to your website. Some of these directories are free to post links and others charge a fee, either a one time fee or a recurring fee. It is up to you to decide if it is worth the effort to post to the free directories and if it is worth the cost to post to some of the paid directories.

Some of the paid directories are very important for you to be listed in, regardless of what the price is. This is especially the case if you are a little bit experienced with search engine optimization and are fairly confident in your ability to get your website listed well on the search engines from your efforts. Some of the paid directories that you want to make sure you're part of include Yahoo and Yahoo is fairly expensive at $299 a year but by having a link in the Yahoo Directory, you will be giving your SEO efforts of major shot in the arm. Popular directories such as Joeant are an excellent way for you to position yourself with some back links as well.

Submitting your website to the free directories is also an excellent way to give yourself a boost in the SERPS as well as getting yourself listed on the search engines initially. Google does not necessarily give as much weight to these free search engine submissions but remember, Google is not the only kid on the block. Yahoo also has the ability to send you a massive amount of traffic if you're positioned well in their search engine results and MSN can send you traffic as well. Each of these lesser search engines will place a lot of weight on many incoming links from these free directories.

All in all, submitting to directories, whether free or paid is an excellent way to set yourself up for success in your search engine optimization efforts. Make sure, however, that you don't stop with just a few simple directory submissions. Make it a part of your overall efforts to continue improving on your rankings in the search engines.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Web Page Optimization: Do it like a PRO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) both the bane and boon of many a person's existence. It's a known fact that the best way to get traffic to your website is by simply having your site show up in the first page or two of the major search engine's results. Visitors that come in from those search engine results pages (referred to as SERP) have two main things going for them.
They are more likely to buy, and they didn't cost you any money to get there. Getting your site onto those first two pages can be a struggle, and people are always watching what you are doing and gunning for the top spot. You have to keep aware of all of the latest tactics and methods and measure yourself against your competitors.

Yes, competitors. Many people aren't aware of the competitive nature of SERPs positioning, but it is. Keep in mind that you are ranked in comparison with the other sites in the results. If the search engine thinks that your content is more relevant, then you rank higher, if it is determined that your content is less relevant, then you fall in the results. If they know what they are doing, the other sites showing up for the searches you wish to rank high in are watching you, and the other sites on the first two pages to see what they are doing, and if they are rising or falling.
So how do you ensure that you can rank well against the other sites out there and rise in the SERPs? Well, for starters, let's assume that there are only three search engines, because frankly, Google, Yahoo, and MSN (in that order) represent the majority, the vast majority of searches. And Google represents the vast majority amongst those three. For the purposes of this article we'll focus only on Google. If you do right by them, what you do will be good for other search engines as well.

Before we go any further it's important that you understand the nature of SEO. It is not an exact science. The exalted minds inside the Googleplex do not share their secret sauce with the unwashed masses. The reason for this is simple: if they revealed exactly how their logic works, it would be exploited--this has happened before. The methods for performing SEO are based upon the trial and error of many, many internet users as they worked out what works, what doesn't and what will get your site unindexed - or worse: banned.

This is important. There are good and bad ways to optimize your site. The bad ways are called 'Black Hat'. Sure, they may work for awhile, and some Google can't (or doesn't bother to) pick up automatically. However you can report a site to Google as using Black Hat SEO tactics and Google will remove that site from the index (meaning it won't show up in search results). Removing a site from the index is usually only done for a certain amount of time and can be appealable. Banning is far more severe and banned sites are often gone for good with no way to get Google to add it back to their index. Beware of a lot of things that seem shady.
If you think they are shady, chances are that the folks at Google will think so too and if one of those other sites in the SERPs wants to rise up and they visit your site and see your shady tactics, they won't hesitate to report you.

Yeah, it's a bit unfair, but it's the world we live in. Google's not alone in this--the other search engines will do it too.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's dive into the two ways to optimize your site.
On Page Optimization

This is what most people think of when they think of SEO. In reality it is the less effective of the two methods, though as Google improves its ability to determine real content from fluff it is getting more valuable. A bit of history first.

Back when people started realizing that they could make or break their business by where they came up in the SERPs, they started adding all sorts of content to their sites to improve their ranking. The most common of these was the meta keywords. These are words that are placed in the code on a website that tell the search engines what the site is about. Way back when the 'net was young, the search engines believed these keywords.
They don't anymore. People abused the keywords system by putting their competitors names in them, or by even putting completely bogus words in. A site looking to sell more jeans would put Britney Spears in their keywords to get people to visit them inadvertently. Needless to say, keywords play very little importance anymore. I have gotten sites to the #1 position on Google without using keywords at all.

As the search engines got wise to the whole bogus keywords thing, they started looking at all of the content on a website. They can only read text, so images and animated graphics (like flash) were ignored. People learned tactics to place all sorts of text on their site that was invisible to users, but that the search engines (looking at the source code) would see. So search engines started to distrust the websites themselves.

You're asking yourself how they can know what a site is about then. They asked themselves the same question and came up with an obvious answer: they can't. But other humans can. This is called 'Off Page Optimization' and is covered in the second type of optimization.

They never really disregarded the webpage entirely, but they lowered its importance in their overall factoring of a page's importance and relevancy. However, as their savvy increases and they have more computing power to analyse content, search engines are starting to consider the page's content as being more and more important. They can often discern the difference between human generated and computer generated text, and can tell if the content on a page is relevant to a particular topic or not. As they do this more, the page itself will continue to get more important.

There used to be a lot of tactics and tricks to get the search engines to pay more attention to your page, but the number one tip is now this: Write human readable content (don't try to write it to load it with terms and keywords) that has value and real relevancy. Make sure that you do use the words and phrases you think people will search for, and do use them more than once, but don't go overboard. Bolding and using larger fonts (and H1 tags) will help as well, but don't overdo it. If you make your page look too wonky it will not work for the second type of optimization.

Here's a quick rundown of things to make sure you do.
Make sure the page title is descriptive - make it different with each page if you can
Use the meta description tag and make it good - this is what most search engines show as the blurb about your site on the results page.

Don't worry alot about your HTML formatting. Search engines are used to reading crappy HTML and they don't care too much

Make sure you use your keywords in your copy more than once
Do bold them if it works in your content
If you can make it work, use an H1 or H2 tag. If you are comfortable with CSS you can make the text in them smaller (this is becoming less and less important).

Make sure to use alt and title tags on images. It lets the search engines know what the image is about and can cause your images to show up on the Google image search.

Use title tags on your links. It will help the search engines know more about the page you are
linking to and improve relevancy
Don't put too many links to other sites. Links out lower your page's importance.
Off Page Optimization
This is also called 'Off Site Optimization' which is a misnomer. Search engines care little about 'websites' and care more about 'web pages'. The reason for this is that they don't link to a site, they link to a page. So what is this mysterious type of SEO you ask? Well, if you read the on page part above you will have learned that Google and the other search engines decided that they couldn't trust the page itself too much as too many people put fake content on a page to generate traffic. So they decided that the best way to know if a page was relevant was to let people do it for them.
How do they make this work? Well, they simply look at who links to you and what their page is about. If your page is about sewing, and another page that Google knows people like is also about sewing and it links to you, then your page is probably not misrepresenting itself. This is the driving force behind what is called 'Page Rank'. Page rank is essentially a calculation of the importance of the pages linking to you vs the relevancy of your content to those pages. If a page about banking links to a page about peanut butter, then chances are that the search engines won't assign any importance to that link, but links between pages of similar content have high importance.

There is also a nebulous thing that we know exists, but don't know how to quantify. It is the matter of how much a search engine trusts a site. Sites with high trust have their outbound links given more importance than sites the search engine does not trust. An easy way to determine if a site is trustworthy or not is to think about it yourself. The folks at the search engines are humans, they will trust the same sites you do and distrust the same sites you do (give or take a bit).Untrustworthy Sites

Link/Banner farms - sites with nothing but links to various other sites. These used to work, but the search engines wised up and now having a link farm link to you will hurt, not help
Sites with a lot of advertising on them - The search engines know that these sites are mostly computer generated and have no valuable content, and so don't pay any heed to what they link to.
Black Hat Sites - sites that use questionable SEO tactics aren't ones that you want linking to you. Google is suspicious of them, no reason to make it suspicious of youTrustworthy Sites
Directories - There are two types of directories. Automatic and Human verified. Google knows which are which and if your site is listed on a human verified directory (meaning that someone looked at your site and verified that your description and content match the category you chose to have it listed in) then it knows that your content is relevant to the description you gave. Find the directories for your market (just google things like sewing boston directory or whatever your niche/market is and you'll find some to list in.
News Sites - Many news sites allow you to post comments on them. Don't spam, but find some relevant articles to your site and post a few comments. Its not advised that you place your link right in the article (unless you think it applies) but rather have your link in your profile.
Sites with high page rank - This is key. There is little point having sites with no page rank link to your site with no page rank. You want sites with high page rank linking to you. Install the Google toolbar and select yes when it asks if you want to view pagerank. This will let you know how other sites rank and help you determine where to try to get links.

There are a lot of other tips and helpful bits of information out there and I'll be posting a few more specialized articles about them. While there is a lot of bogus software and ebooks out there that will literally tell you no more than what you have read above, there are some that will help you carry out the suggestions above.
They'll suggest directories, give you reports on how well you rank against your competitors and many other things. Most you can do on your own, but they take time. Good SEO software should mainly remove the tedious, manual tasks involved in SEO and help you focus on more important things like niche research and adding actual, valuable content to your site.

Top 3 Ways to Get Backlinks

I don't want to bore you guys with telling you why we need backlinks why they are improtant blaaaaaaaaaaa blaaaaaaaa blaaaaaaaaaa .... But What I really want to share here are the top there ways which are working for the people who want to follow White Hat SEO. These are simple and they give you the much required and needed backlinks.
We all know that without traffic, your Internet business will do nothing. Backlinks, acting like large roadside signs pointing to your blog, will direct new visitors to your blog and give your blog the needed exposure.
I will discuss three ways to get backlinks pointing to your blogs.

Submit your blog post to social directories
This will quickly get backlinks to your blog. when done properly, a submission to Stumble Upon and Digg will create many backlinks and huge amounts of traffic.

Article marketing -
Article marketing is still a great way to create traffic and back links to your website and for the most part is free. Just make sure your author bio box is well written and includes links to your blog. This is what gets the links to your blog as most article submission sites don't allow direct links. If they do then link away in the article also.

Post comments
A very effective and easy way to create backlinks is to comment on blogs that are related to yours. If people like your comment, they will most likely go to your blog to read more of your material. One great way to create back links is Posting comments in other people's blogs. Every time you post you are able to include your name and your website address in some comments. Try to include your primary keyword in the name if you can.

These are three ways to get backlinks to your blog. None of them are hard and they don't take a long time to do. Once you start doing them regularly, it will become second nature to you, just like watching all the traffic coming to your blog. I hope this helps you in your endeavor to make money on line and improve your Internet business and blog.
These are the 3 best methods of getting tons of backlinks which are used by maximum web publishers. If they are using this methods of creating backlinks and undoubtably they have achieved great level of success you can do that too.....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If you run a local business, your first priority in search engine optimization should not be to focus on the most popular, universal keyword phrases,

Today let me share some really good and effective Search Engine Optimization Tips and Tricks with you. These Search Engine Marketing Tips are let me assure you first these are all white hat techniques and I will never be sharing any blackhat technique here on this blog.
Search Engine Marketing Techniques that are being employed by the SEO Guru's are no different that what you would see here or what you might read in Search Engine Articles on any good Article Submission Web directory.
Reason why I never encourage anyone to use black hat techniques are quite simple. Well these techniques might give you some success in fooling the system and you might end up making some money "FOR A WHILE' eventually you will be busted and then your account if its Adsense then that would be banned. It happens all the time and all those guys who are invovled in such things realise this when they get the Email from Google for there Account Suspension.
As said before Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Marketing are quite simple and what is requried is patient and persistence. Anways enough of that lets get straight to what are the todays tips;
If you run a local business, your first priority in search engine optimization should not be to focus on the most popular, universal keyword phrases, but to focus on local keyword phrases that get fewer searches.
While it is a good idea to invest some time in optimizing for those popular keyword phrases throughout your seo campaign, you should first be concerned about getting visitors to your site, and, especially if you service a local area, you should be interested in bringing in local clients.

Essentially, there are two types of search engine optimization universal search engine optimization and local search engine optimization. The importance of each depend greatly on the nature of your business.
If you offer a service or product that clients throughout the country, and perhaps the world, are interested in, then you should optimize for universal keywords. Example: You sell laptop computers on the internet and ship throughout the world. Your primary interest would be to rank highly for terms such as 'laptop computers'.
If you run a local small business such as a flower shop, law firm, or car dealership, you want to attract local patrons, and it does no good to bring in customers from California if your business is in Maryland. If you run a car dealership you should be interested in terms such as 'baltimore ford dealer' or 'maryland ford dealership'.

A well-planned seo strategy first identifies which type of search engine optimization you require: universal or local. If you require local search engine optimization, here are a few helpful steps you can follow.

Analyze keywords on Wordtracker or Trellian and determine which are the most popular universal terms.

Log on to Google Adwords keyword phrase suggestion tool.

Enter local search engine optimization keyword phrases in the box provided (check Descriptive words or phrases). Utilize the most popular universal keyword phases and localize them. If the most popular universal term is 'ford dealer' then search for 'baltimore ford dealer. All try searching for local counties and other local cities from which customers may come to your business.

Google will provide information regarding that particular keywords level of advertiser competition and both last month's and this month's search frequency. If the local keyword phrase has been searched, record that phrase and continue to the next one.

Once you've developed a substantial list of local search engine optimization phrases, you can continue on with your internet marketing campaign.